Re: # Invalid data type
Hi @Kieran Howard Ensure your column is of type text. Also I believe the OR function requires declaration of the column@row for each instance. Try something like this: =IF(OR([OSP SLA Attestation]@ro…1 · -
Re: Setting up a trigger comparing today's entry with the last entry.
Hello @Elizabeth Aird Create a new column labeled "Previous Line Speed" The following formula will give you the previously used line speed. =IF(ISBLANK([Paint Code]@row) = 0, MIN(COLLECT([L…1 · -
Re: Highlight a cell that has not been changed in X days
You could use a workflow to populate a helper column date. Workflow would be When rows are added or changed When: Any field Run workflow: when triggered Record a date Record a date in: Last Edited Da…1 · -
Re: Count rows based on another column
Okay, If you put the following formula in the cases/day column and make it a column formula it should work. =COUNTIF([Scan Date]:[Scan Date], =[Scan Date]@row)1 · -
Re: Need Formula for RowID that will update when rows are deleted or added.
That worked great! Thanks John!1 ·